Monday, October 13, 2008

OK, OK, I know I'm Bad at the Blogging Thing

Alright, so from here on out, I'm not going to even acknowledge the fact that I'm behind in keeping up on my blog. So, this is the last time I'll say, "Wow, it's really been a long time since I last wrote on here..."

So, let me catch you up on where we left off...(and just so you know, so that the blog goes in Blogosphere Order...the last post at the top of the page is my most recent post, and the ones at the bottom are less recent, BUT, since I left off in the middle of everything, you'll have to scroll down to the bottom and read from bottom to top (Sept. 26, will be at the bottom of this post). It's almost like reading in Hebrew, but not quite.
Saturday, Oct. 11:
Went to the Magnet Theatre to see improv with Mikelle, Sierra and Inbar. Sierra thinks comedy shows are awkward, so she resisted for a while, but then she gave in. Mikelle had never been to one before, so it was her first time! It was pretty funny...but I've seen better. Then, we went to meet Dave and ended up at this bar called Revival where I had gone with the Couch Surfers the last time I was in NY. Fun night!

Nothing really exciting until...Friday, Oct. 10:
Went to a "double feature" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more) with Ballard and two of his friends. We saw Rachel Getting Married and Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.
They were both pretty good. One had substance and meaning, and the other was just fun. It was so weird to see Nick and Nora b/c it was all filmed and took place in NY. It was the first time I've been in NY and watched a movie that took place in NY. Right when we left the theater we saw places that were in the movie! Weird.

Then, we went to get milkshakes, but a magical truck came in our way. It was a dessert truck!
The Dessert Truck is about a year old and came about when a couple of guys who had worked in restaurants as pastry chefs decided they didn't want to work in fancy-pants restaurants anymore. They opened this truck that sells wonderful $5 desserts...they have molten chocolate cake, creme brulee and lots of other delicious things! Needless to say, I did not make it to the milkshake place.

We then went and walked around the Village. We sat in a park and rats ran around there like racoons run around at night in Colorado. So gross. Rats everywhere, just gallivanting around.

Monday, Oct. 6:
Nothing too exciting...Had pumpkin spice custard from the Shake Shack. It was literally the best frozen treat I've ever had. The Shake Shack is a famous NY institution and people wait in this massive line to eat food from there. Fortunately, there's an express line JUST for custard. Nothing else...not shakes, not malts, just custard. The flavors for October are German Chocolate, Apple Rosemary, Pancake, Chocolate Candied Corn, Cinamon Roasted Fig, and Shack Shiraz Poached Pear. Those are the different flavors for each day of the week (Monday=pumpkin day, Tuesday=german choc day, and so on). Soooooo good!

Sunday, Oct. 5:
Danielle and I decided to go to brunch at this cute place called Busboys and Poets. It was delicious, but on our way there, something horrible happened. We had to walk down this huge hill on the street, and out of nowhere, I just fell. It was the weirdest thing. I fell face first, and since we were on such a steep hill and I was carrying a big backpack full of all my clothes for the weekend, my backpack then went over my head and caused me to fall further down the hill. It was ridiculous. I got up and both Danielle and I were confused how it happened. Anyways, I almost ripped a hole in my brand new jeans, but now they just have this stupid white mark on the knee, and every time I wear the jeans, I think about how I fell down a hill.

So, after brunch we went to the Smithsonian Museum to see the last day of the Jim Hensen exhibit. It was awesome, and especially because we got to relive the days of the Muppet Babies, the Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock during the drinking game the night before. They were crazy about people not taking photos in the exhibit, but I snuck one in!
Then, Danielle sent me off on the Bolt Bus, but not before we had one last milkshake!

Oh! And Suede from Project Runway was on my bus from DC to NY! OMG! I was starstruck. I didn't say anything to him because I figured if I was a suedo-celebrity and was taking a five-hour-long busride, I wouldn't want anyone bugging me for a picture...but maybe I should have...oh well!

Saturday, Oct. 4:
Went to the 2nd Annual Columbia Heights Day. Columbia Heights is the neighborhood that Danielle lives in, and it's very cute! There was a petting zoo, and Danielle told me there would be a zebra. I think she just said that to get me to go, but there was no zebra at the petting zoo. There was a donkey of sorts, and I explained to Danielle that zebras had these things called stripes and are usually a little bigger than donkeys. Anyhow, there was a camel. And camels are pretty freakin' cool. I got to feed it a few times and camel lips are very strange things. If you ever get a chance to feed a camel, I suggest you take advantage of it. Their lips move up and down (like ours) but also side to side. Crazy! Besides the camel (and less exciting to me, but more exciting to Danielle) was the mayor of DC. He seemed pretty cool. He was just eating a bag of popcorn on stage as they introduced him. Nice.

Later, we watch the Ohio State game, because Jill is a huge Ohio fan (since she went there). We also played this awesome game. And for those of you on the other end of the age spectrum, please don't worry about us, we're fine and can take care of ourselves. I know this may shock and apall you, but it's not as bad as it sounds. For those of you who are near my age and know of the term "power hour" then you'll know how awesome this is. Anyways, you do power hour (which is when you take one shot of beer every minute for an hour), to this awesome video of old TV shows from our childhood! Warning: don't watch the video before you play! It's fun to be surprised and guess what show it's from just by listening to it.

Friday, Oct. 3:
Woke up at 6 a.m. Got about 3 hours of sleep. The air conditioner repairman came at 6:15. And whoa...he was the stereotypical New York repairman...ha! I could try to describe it, but I don't think I have to...I think you all know. I took the Bolt Bus to see Danielle in DC. The bus was very nice. I had two seats to myself...very roomy. I pretty much slept the whole way, but when I was awake, I got to see some of the leaves starting to change. They have a lot of red out here!

When I got to DC, Danielle and I went to a bar to meet a bunch of her work friends. As we were walking across the street, I noticed a suitcase just sitting outside by a trashcan. I pointed it out to Danielle and she said it probably had something bad in it. I said "maybe it's a bomb," and she said, "Don't say that. The Secret Service will be here in a second." Well, we were at the bar for a while, but then we found out we couldn't leave because the street was blocked off by policemen BECAUSE OF THE SUITCASE! HA! Can you believe that? We were right?! I don't think it was a bomb...but we got the bar to extend happy hour for us since we were stuck there.

The cops outside the bar

Anyways, we went to a few more bars (one of which had skee ball...yes!) I also realized I am no longer skilled in the art of skee ball. :( Oh well.
Her friends bought us a lot of drinks, which is pretty awesome. And it was Jill's bday (she is Danielle's bf in DC). Also, Danielle's friend Mark got in a bro-face-off with this other dude at one of the bars. There was this punching bag game that told you how hard you hit the punching bag, and they competed for a good 30-40 minutes. Mark is a normal-sized guy, but this other guy looked like Vin Diesel. It was pretty funny...

Danielle and I ate MASSIVE pieces of pizza (bigger than any in NY I think!) We got home prettttttttty late, which resulted in me sleeping in the next day...oops!

Thursday, Oct. 2:
Watched the VP debate and ate Chinese food with Robin. Bidon totally dominated over stupid Sarah Palin. Man, that SNL skit is so funny. Especially the last part...

Wednesday, Oct. 1:
Nothing exciting today. Had eggplant pizza again. Still good.

Tuesday, Sept 30:
Had 1st day at PC Mag. Everyone is RELLY nice. A couple of cute guys. I love my boss, she's awesome. Went shopping after work...bad idea. I justified it becuase I needed a slip (is that too old-lady-like? Shayna would say so...I don't care...I needed one!). I went to Macy's for the first time. It was insane. The store is HUGE. I was shocked. I also needed nylons, and I spent probably 45 minutes looking through all of them. I finally asked a sales person to help me, and when I tried them on the next day, they weren't even what I wanted. Damn you Macy's!

Monday, Sept. 29:
My last day to sleep in before I start working at PC Magazine. I will miss sleeping in...a lot.

Sunday, Sept. 28:
I went to bed at 5 a.m. yesterday and woke up at 10 to go to Lincoln Center to help Lalita volunteer at the Sierra Club table for a big environment festival...the only thing was it was pouring rain, and I was not prepared for it. I had an umbrella, but I was wearing tights and flats, and my poor feet were SOAKING wet the whole day. Water was foaming out of my shoes, and now my shoes are a different color (I don't even want to think about how disgusting the dirty rain/street water is). I took my shoes and tights off later that night and thought "Huh, is that a foot tan?" But then I realized it was just a dirt tan...gross.

So, after I left Licoln Center, I was so upset about my wet feet that I went to this horrible place called Shoe Mania. Well, it's not actually horrible if you have a lot of money to spend, but I don't, and I still ended up spending money on boots. My sales person asked me for my number as I was walking out the door. He said he was from somewhere in South Africa, but I couldn't really understand what he was saying through his accent. I was so caught off guard, that I gave him my real number when I really meant to give him a fake number. Damn. I figured he wouldn't call, but a few hours later, he did! Awk-ward. I still couldn't understand what he was saying...and needless to say, the conversation was awkward.

Saturday, Sep. 27: (see photos in Sept. 30th photo album)
Best day ever! First Sierra and I went to Art Under the Bridge Festival...a giant art festival in DUMBO. It was so weird. Sierra, her roommate and I walked around DUMBO trying to find places where they were showing art. We kept walking into these random warehouses with 8 floors and some of them had art shows and some were empty and some had parties with bands in them...totally random.

Anyways, after that, Sierra and I went to the Brooklyn Academy of Music for BAM Takeover. The event was curated by Sufjan Stevens (aka dreamy singer/songwriter extraordinaire...see below).

Sierra is mega-obsessed with Sufjan and I'm quasi-obsessed. Anyways, it was an exciting night for the two of us because, lo and behold, SUFJAN WAS THERE!!! We weren't sure if he'd actually make an appearance, but he did. He introduced St. Vincent (see below).

And then at the end of her performance, he came back out and they did a cover of Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight" (see crappy video below)

After that magical moment, another wondrous event happened. Sierra and I had been talking about how it was weird that we were at a show and didn't know, or even recognize, anyone who was there. It's certainly different than being in Denver. So, then we started walking and I heard someone shout out my name. No way! Could someone really be calling my name!? And guess who it was? It was my first boss at 1190, Shervin. He graduated the year I started working there, so he was only my boss for one year, but what a coincidence! It was awesome, and we hung out with Shervin and his buddy from high school all night long!

During the thing at BAM, we also saw the Budos Band...

...and Sierra and I got up front and danced our butts off!

Then, Shervin took us to this awesome bar called the Crocodile? Or maybe it was the Alligator? Either way, you buy a drink, and they give you your own personal pizza! How great! We also ran into another 1190 DJ outside of the bar...which was really weird. Running into two 1190 people in one night is strange. She's in a band called Chairlift. They're kind of a big deal right now. They're in the new iPod commercial. Psht. Whatever.

Sierra and I finally got home around (but long) night.

Friday, Sept. 26:
Boring day. I went to Martha's Bakery again (I need to stop now), and bought banana-blueberry pound cake to take to Mikelle's for the 1st presidential debate. Also bought a bottle of wine from a cute little wine shop near the bakery. McCain is Satan. Obama HAS to win. Slept at Mikelles, AGAIN.

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